Pynsive API Documentation

pynsive Module

common Module


A nice namespace alias for users.

reflection Module


Attempts to list all of the modules and submodules found within a given directory tree. This function searches the top-level of the directory tree for potential python modules and returns a list of candidate names.

Note: This function returns a list of strings representing discovered module names, not the actual, loaded modules.

Parameters:directory – the directory to search for modules.
pynsive.reflection.list_classes(mname, cls_filter=None)[source]

Attempts to list all of the classes within a specified module. This function works for modules located in the default path as well as extended paths via the sys.meta_path hooks.

If a class filter is set, it will be called with each class as its parameter. This filter’s return value must be interpretable as a boolean. Results that evaluate as True will include the type in the list of returned classes. Results that evaluate as False will exclude the type in the list of returned classes.

  • mname – of the module to descend into
  • cls_filter – a function to call to determine what classes should be included.

Attempts to list all of the submodules under a module. This function works for modules located in the default path as well as extended paths via the sys.meta_path hooks.

This function carries the expectation that the hidden module variable ‘__path__’ has been set correctly.

Parameters:mname – the module name to descend into

Attempts to list all of the modules and submodules found within a given directory tree. This function recursively searches the directory tree for potential python modules and returns a list of candidate names.

Note: This function returns a list of strings representing discovered module names, not the actual, loaded modules.

Parameters:directory – the directory to search for modules.
pynsive.reflection.rlist_classes(module, cls_filter=None)[source]

Attempts to list all of the classes within a given module namespace. This method, unlike list_classes, will recurse into discovered submodules.

If a type filter is set, it will be called with each class as its parameter. This filter’s return value must be interpretable as a boolean. Results that evaluate as True will include the type in the list of returned classes. Results that evaluate as False will exclude the type in the list of returned classes.

  • mname – of the module to descend into
  • cls_filter – a function to call to determine what classes should be included.

Attempts to the submodules under a module recursively. This function works for modules located in the default path as well as extended paths via the sys.meta_path hooks.

This function carries the expectation that the hidden module variable ‘__path__’ has been set correctly.

Parameters:mname – the module name to descend into
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